Bag Turner & Kicker

The Monzeal bag turner and kicker are designed to change the orientation of the bag after it has left the filler.

Bag Turner

When a bag exits the sealer in the upright position, the bag turner is used to rotate the bag and lay it down in a linear direction. The design of the turner focuses on safety first.  The result is that no external guarding is required, that could hinder operator access around the packing line.

    • External guarding not required.
    • Fully height adjustable.
    • 90 degree rotation angle.
    • Localised E-Stop
    • Fully stainless steel construction.
    • Includes conveyor.

Bag Kicker

By using a moving plow, we are able to move the upright bag through 90 degrees to a bottom first, face up orientation, without the need for guarding whilst remaining safe to operate.

  • Safety guard free operation.
  • Slow operation.
  • Knock down bar.
  • Fully stainless steel construction.

Monzeal brings together more than 40 years experience in the packaging industry. With our truely modular approach we are able to finely tune, tailor and adapt any system to your needs both now and in the future.

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